Un’ipotesi di Luca Rizzatello su “Requiem auf einer Stele” (Conversation Paperpress, 2010)

Riporto qui di seguito, sotto forma di file da scaricare, un’interessante ipotesi di lettura firmata da Luca Rizzatello a proposito di Requiem auf einer Stele, già ospitata da Poesia 2.0.
A differenza di quanto fatto in passato, non riporto il contenuto dell’articolo all’interno di un post, per una sostanziale incompatibilità tra la formattazione dell’opera e la rete.

Requiem auf einer Stele (twelve fragments), lulu.com, Morrisville 2017, (Eng-Ger-Rus).
ISBN: 978-0244339807 New edition
download: «Winterblatt» n.8
buy: barnes&noble | amazon.com | .it | .de | .es | .uk

Requiem auf einer Stele – Foreword


software: Federico Federici (video and voice), Ugo (The Owl from Calizzano, in the background, now and then)
hardware: Zoom H4n (audio), Canon EOS 550D (video)

Requiem auf einer Stele (twelve fragments), lulu.com, Morrisville 2017, (Eng-Ger-Rus).
ISBN: 978-0244339807 New edition
download: «Winterblatt» n.8
buy: barnes&noble | amazon.com | .it | .de | .es | .uk

Requiem auf einer Stele (fr. 11, part 1)


Alexandra Antic, Daniel and Joseph Kooner (voice)
Luigi Russolo, Bass Communion and Federico Federici (soundscape)
Most of the people in this video were filmed in Ost-Berlin (winter, 2001-2005).

Requiem auf einer Stele (twelve fragments), lulu.com, Morrisville 2017, (Eng-Ger-Rus).
ISBN: 978-0244339807 New edition
download: «Winterblatt» n.8
buy: barnes&noble | amazon.com | .it | .de | .es | .uk

Requiem auf einer Stele (fr. 11, part 1)

›1.3‹¦es schneit! es schneit! es schneit! es ist spätͺ denn was heiβt schon zeitheit? licht der wirklichkeit? ¦ · arms curving over empty holes define us · precisely nothing that nothing holds · he who was lost has not been called back yet from his warm haze of spring · how easily the inaudible grace of solitude fills the same place! · snow continues to fallͺ vowels and snowͺ atonal snow piling up on both hands in the tall grassͺ holding the world-weight downward · we never touch thingsͺ things attract us · not much else · were voices there along this black amount of waterͺ someone would hear us firstͺ muttering like a newͺ clean spring spilt among dry boulders · let us stand still with the river like the waters do · the sleepy rhyme of the dead hour calls · the word half speltͺ the word half written for fear of too much abstraction lie under the water’s haste · the real namesͺ the good ones thronged into leggy shrubs glint in their finitude · nothing else but namesͺ ideograms on thin leavesͺ namesͺ nervesͺ stems whose fine ends are not flowers but stars · it’s what we live inͺ asleep · that which was a house is dust now · a hollow stone · the inside of the house is between the trees · wood after fire keeps a tepid hope · frozen roots fed on ashes underfoot jut out · ¦hier also hältst du dich versteckt? die klarheitͺ die sternenkunst machen dir so viel angst ¦ · lonesome lilacs bleed among the wreckage · ›1.1‹ ͺ [sw]amp fernͺ no reflection in the canal dredged by the fire-black oil lamp · the sacrifice remainsͺ foundation to a new beginningͺ redeems us with old hints of ardour and birth ·
[         ¦zwei tränen [  -6.1-]   ¦das schwere¦ͺ                                                                             ›3.1‹
ͺ¦die beiden türen der welt ¦               ]

[             ·                -8.1-]             ·

Alexandra Antic, Daniel and Joseph Kooner (voice), Luigi Russolo, Bass Communion and Federico Federici (soundscape).

Requiem auf einer Stele (twelve fragments), lulu.com, Morrisville 2017, (Eng-Ger-Rus).
ISBN: 978-0244339807 New edition
download: «Winterblatt» n.8
buy: barnes&noble | amazon.com | .it | .de | .es | .uk

Requiem auf einer Stele (fr. 2 A, fr. 2 B)


This poem is a stone, a still voice on the river-bed at the mercy of rushing water. It is the deciphered scratches and black stains on its surface.
This poem is a conversation in the green rooms of the woods where a hollow reed-throat sings beside a death-bed. It is the inexhaustible industry of the trout to compete upriver, and time abruptly halted by the sea. The stone is unmoving.

        Långt inne i mörkret. Världen går mot sitt slut.

das ist eine im feld gefundene stele
das ist ein im fluss gefundener stein
dies die im körper gefundenen knochen

dies materiales fuerunt   ›1.4‹   shortestͺ infrequent

] carboniferous tubers awakening
[of]  ›1.3‹
] black alluvial fingers
] veins winding along
eye-pebbles and flints [ͺ  curving the fields where
there is no endͺ [  ›2.2‹ did not want to end
to the abandoned land
] · I’m the old riverͺ the whole riverͺ
the understanding of it
] река‒это я

fr. 2 A.

] und das sind die polierten knochen
der poeten in meinem fleisch

] как лес
] redeemer of waters [
[bla]ck old tree-line in the flicker of storm ·

fr. 2 B.


Official gig: July 18th at 18:30, The Jolly Sailor, Canterbury

Federico Federici (sounds and voice), June 20th, Madonna della Neve, Pian dei Corsi.

Cover picture taken from Vertebrae, Federico Federici.

Requiem auf einer Stele (twelve fragments), lulu.com, Morrisville 2017, (Eng-Ger-Rus).
ISBN: 978-0244339807 New edition
download: «Winterblatt» n.8
buy: barnes&noble | amazon.com | .it | .de | .es | .uk